paling HOT !!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

DIET2 !! :)

Peace be upon U....
Assalmualaikum............. !! hehehhe...dah mcm ape dah jerit2 bg salam..mcm korg dgr lak..padahal xdgr pon...hehhehe :)

ok, now kt tmpt sempat on9 laa pulookkk :)
sempat je...customer xrmai mcm kt pasar mlm...hehhehe :) so,, on9 jee la...kte xbaek nk buang gne kan mse 0n9 spenuhnye...cmtu plk kan...hehheh :))

ok2, nih nk story sikit psl Diet ak nih!!
act aku da lme dah mule diet..alhmdulillah....trun laa jgk ...
tp very slow laa...huhu :(
skg,ak try product HERBALIFE..xtau laa...its work or not..but apa salahnye aku cube pon product nih laa ckp..dye baik untk ksihatan..bkn untk kurus semata2...heeehee... korg semua leh laa bkk link nih... one of the customer yg bjaye trunkan berat bdn dye dgn herbalife...

ok laa,,, ak xtau dah bnda ape nk story nih...guys doakan diet ak berjaye ehhh :) heee~
luv u all guys....muaaaahhaaahaaaa :*
c you soon & lots of love from me ~

1 comment:

  1. baby... diet pown diet... jgn smpai tk mkn lgsng kay.... remember tht Ur health come 1st... one more thng excercise... lter kite g hiking sme2 kay... ;)


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